binujames Rank:Member Total Posts:31 Location:India
Posted On: 26/Nov/2006 23:41:3
why u blocked hai friends i am a mohanlal fan
i have posted one article named"mohanlal blade budes" its not ment to heart any one.
why u locked that article,cant i say any thing ,
yes binu Dont worry james. Although u were sharing that news, we cant post it here in this thread. You know why???? Since lalettan started his restaurant there were many negative news spreading in internet by some people who like to defame lalettan always. I also had two emails like this before. and u know lalettan's hotel is only for VVIP people not for people who like to have tea and vada for just 3 rupees. Its for vvip family as it is a big budget business. If u or me like to have meals for more than 300 we can go to there. But if we want meal for just 10 or 20 rupees then there are many other hotels. right? and the problem is many pelople are using this email to just downride lalettan. So we dont want that kind stuff in this site. I know u r a lal fans. I had seen ur message before i think. But please avoid this kind messages as there is nothing in this news but just to downride lalettan.
anandthirumala Rank:Member Total Posts:56 Location:India
Posted On: 27/Nov/2006 7:13:28
You are absolutely right Vijesh. I completely agree with you.