lodestar Rank:Member Total Posts:350 Location:India
Posted On: 24/Aug/2006 12:4:4
Celebrate Vijesh Gave me the Information that Mahasamudhram have a very gr8 Preview report,Let us wait for the real thundering performance of laletan
anandthirumala Rank:Member Total Posts:56 Location:India
Posted On: 24/Aug/2006 12:12:4
When is it getting released? I am seeing differnt reports over the release date of MS in different places. I read Vijesh saying that it is releasing on 26th Aug. I read in sify that release date is sep . Any confirmation?
soorajmm Rank:Member Total Posts:17 Location:Bahrain
Posted On: 24/Aug/2006 12:15:9
Lets Pray 4 the same If thats happened, its gonna b "lalmania" in kerala..
No one to beat our Godstar..he is now awaken and all Tortoises who were in the race is history..like Current Bhargavan..
No Doubt, MS will make waves, coz Lalettan is now selective and focussing on 100% success with his movies an our hearts !!
yes friends yes friends i got two preview report from reliable source. it will rock. sure. I will watch tomorrow itself. First show. Call me to no. if u want upadate from theater. and its going to release on 26th tomorrow