sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 25/May/2006 3:33:29
Lalettan in Bala's film Mohan lal is doing a role of Kalari Gurukkal in the film of Bharat Bala. The script is MT Vasudevan Nair. Wait for more details
sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 25/May/2006 3:34:48
Lalettan in Bala's film It is a Japanese Co Production Company. So i am not sure whether this one would be in malayalam or not. What ever it may be, the good news is that our Lalettan's name is going to the whole world! Let's cheer
HERE IS THE LINK here is the link. (1). (2). (3). (4).