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China Town!


  • sanjunmenon

    Total Posts:500
    Location:United Arab Emirates
  • Posted On: 23/Dec/2010 7:20:36
    China Town!
    I can't stop laughing after seeing Lalettan's get up in China Town. Dhoti and White full shirt and having his old look....it's there on Mohanlal fans' Face Book! If you see those photoes, I am sure you won't also stop laughing.

    ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കയ്യോപ്പോടെ പിറന്ന മലയാളത്തിന്റെ പുണ്യം, ഇന്ത്യയുടെ അഹങ്കാരം...അതാണ്‌ ലാലേട്ടന്‍.....

  • vshekar

    Total Posts:391
  • Posted On: 23/Dec/2010 8:20:36
    Sanju bhai...
    Its soo nice to hear from you,i will check it...........

    with lot of fun and love only, vishnu

  • dikkammayi

    Total Posts:275
  • Posted On: 24/Dec/2010 12:45:30
    thanks for the news.
    Kandahar ksheenam ithu theerkkum enna pratheekshayode...


  • niju2010

    Total Posts:9
  • Posted On: 24/Dec/2010 21:13:40
    It's really disappointing
    To see lalettan doing movie like Kandhahar is really bad. I watched this movie last week in Bangalore, it felt like Lalettan is not giving any importance to his fans advice. Even shikar was also an average movie but it had something . Lalettan should get back to comedy or start doing low budget films otherwise films after films will be come and go like this. Look at Mamukka, he atleast knows that in the field of cinema there are no friends or foes....in the same way Lalettan should be selfish enough and choose films very carefully rather being irresponsible towards his fans. Lets hope christian brother, casanova atleast have something related to there titles which was not at all there is Kandahar. As a big fan of Lalettan, some times i fear that his casual attitude in selecting the films has let to all these failures. Dileep knows what kind of roles suits him and he does it with sucess. In the same Lalettan should try to understand what the movie goers like to see from him rather than concentrating on millitary or some other thing else. I would like to Lalettan as a paavam Hero rather than trying to be a colonel in real life.Laletta please read the script properly and make sure that a proper screenplay is there which was obviously missing in Kandahar.

  • niju2010

    Total Posts:9
  • Posted On: 24/Dec/2010 21:30:44
    Fans should stop writing negative blogs
    We should stop writing negative report about Lalettan's movie even it's a bad movie, atleast let's not do that on the same day when the movie has been released. Because among us there are people who will like to see a new movie of Lalettan and if we publish negative things then it will not work for that movie. Please friends lets not do what we did with Kandahar, people criticized the movie on the first day itself. Even Legend like Amitabh did'nt say anything bad about Kandahar then why should we fans. I think some of us are not real Lal fanz, but anti Lal who want to promote Mamu or prithvi or dileep's movie.

start new topic 
Time Now: Friday, February 7, 2025,6:44:11 AM

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