rahulritce Rank:Member Total Posts:19 Location:India
Posted On: 28/Jun/2010 10:32:47
FORGET THE RECENT PAST The first half of year 2010 was not a memorable one for LALETTAN.. just 2 releases JANAKAN & ALEXANDAR. JANAKAN had mohanal giving one of his best performance. It was a really good movie, but B.O collections was not exciting. Its now a fact to b accepted that ALEXANDAR was a complete failure. But the actual issue which still we lalettan fans couldnt bear was the fact that the RUBBISH "pokkiriraja" was a success with record collections.... Dont know why all these malayalis wasted their money for such films??... BUT thats the game of FATE.. we can do nothing but to accept the reality... We fans should come over from this dull situation.. My humble request to lalettan is that.. pls give care in giving good promotions for his upcoming films... The common people arent aware of your latest films, & when its going to be released... Nowadays promotions also is very important Just forget the past and think abt the future.
jumin1986 Rank:Member Total Posts:79 Location:India
Posted On: 29/Jun/2010 21:40:5
Reply Mr.Rahul you realize the fact,I am happy,becoz our great lalettan is not promoting his movie very well.See in the case mammunni,he is promoting his well,even if the movie is a flop.My humble request is to lalletan is you should read the articles which is given in your site.Becoz our fans are giving good opinions for the betterment of lalletan