Mohan Lal should make a new party in politics to save kerala
manojmanu Rank:Member Total Posts:1 Location:India
Posted On: 25/Jun/2010 19:31:45
Mohan Lal should make a new party in politics to save kerala Dear laletta, Pls think about a new party of good and intelligent people to save our country.I hope every youngsters will support.
jumin1986 Rank:Member Total Posts:79 Location:India
Posted On: 25/Jun/2010 22:7:57
lalletta away from politics Fans and party followers is entirely different,so don't make that attempt.
jomathews Rank:Member Total Posts:3 Location:India
Posted On: 26/Jun/2010 12:33:49
On Joining Politics NO. Please,Laletta don,t get into the dirty Politics of Kerala.We don,t want your image to be cursed.
sumeshc Rank:Member Total Posts:276 Location:India
Posted On: 29/Jun/2010 10:39:58
Politics No....... Pleae do not enter in politics...
architect Rank:Member Total Posts:1 Location:India
Posted On: 29/Jun/2010 13:14:12
Mohan Lal should make a new party in politics to save kerala i dont think KERALA politics is that much worse....... i dont expecting u to be in politics.......... Coz political followers are something different from ur fans like ME
lalcrazy Rank:Member Total Posts:40 Location:India
Posted On: 1/Jul/2010 16:1:43
no, not malayalam too!!!! Actors in politics is a common feature here in tamil nadu. But mohanlal is not the kind of person who should make a party or contest elections....... But of course, if he does make a party, my very first vote will be for that party( of course after i turn 18)