vshekar Rank:Member Total Posts:391 Location:India
Posted On: 6/Apr/2010 14:41:54
MOHANLAL LOOSES STATE AWARD AGAIN-A FLAIRING PERFORMANCE IN VAIN Once again our great Lalettan set aside,sidelined and made cheap by providing the State award for Mammooty for a very mere performance in Palerimanikyam backed up by two other films in that we cant see any misty glance of a graceful performance.Sorry with tear for lalettan in honour for the fire range and versatile minute acting gifted by him in Bramaram.Sorry for my friends also...
with lot of fun and love only,
sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 6/Apr/2010 17:7:23
State Awards Lalettan was deserving an award for Bhramaram. Mammootty does not deserve award for Pazhassi. i have not seen Paleri yet. Anyway, let's hope the role would be reversed in National Awards. Congratulations to all winners.
ദൈവത്തിന്റെ കയ്യോപ്പോടെ പിറന്ന മലയാളത്തിന്റെ പുണ്യം, ഇന്ത്യയുടെ അഹങ്കാരം...അതാണ് ലാലേട്ടന്.....
dikkammayi Rank:Member Total Posts:275 Location:India
Posted On: 7/Apr/2010 10:55:24
Dont Complain dont complain about the state award. Even though Lal's performance in Bhramaram was great, problems as a movie affected Lal's chance of winning. And about Mammootty's award, if u watched paleri, Mammootti was wonderful in that movie. This is the only time I feel that I can compare Mammoootti with Lal. So let's wait for another great performances in the coming years. I sincerely hope Lal will win
kingofacting Rank:Member Total Posts:272 Location:India
Posted On: 11/Apr/2010 13:13:24
@dikkamayi the jury said bhramaram is unbelivable thats y lal lost award. what a rubbish. bharamaram perf of lalettan is 100times better than ikkas palleri. that particular charcter in palleri considred for award is coming only in few scenes. its sure that political influence of ikka help him to get this award
yes aneesh yes aneesh u said it. bramaram was one of the best performance by Lalettan. He deserved any awards for that role. Mammootty did a small thing in paleri etc that was not even comparable to Bramaram. But juries did it. We knows who all were in the jury team. Viswasikkan pattatha prameyam anatre hahaha. what a foolishness... if so was paleri believable? was pazhassi believable? athile parannu kondulla fight okke viswasikkan pattunnathano? hehe. enthellam viddi nyayangal? ithokke cheap politricks matram.....national awardil engilum lalettanu neethi kittumennu karuthunnu eventhough we missed thanmatra through another politricks...