santhoshow Rank:Member Total Posts:1 Location:India
Posted On: 23/Jan/2010 15:48:13
Lalettan's entry into IPL Hi Lalettan don't waste your money for unproductive things like IPL. Even before the start of 20/20 format of the game millions of people were wasting there time for watching cricket. With the introduction of 20/20 and IPL the number of days spending for watching cricket increased. What is the use of making cricketer millionaires. It is far more better to spend money for charitable purposes. Watching cricket once in a while for leisure is okay but too much engrossed in that is crazy.
kiranindian Rank:Member Total Posts:1 Location:India
Posted On: 23/Jan/2010 16:50:28
ipl entry laletta please enter the majestic will be a great thing.please buy a team