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Need to Change


  • aptfke

    Total Posts:5
  • Posted On: 18/Jan/2010 19:42:58
    Need to Change
    Though Being a blind fan wanted to see our lalettan in totaly diff role by means of Different Getup, Gestures adn dialogue delivery etc as things are changed in this new era as all the actors is comming with diff approach to cherish and atract the audience to par with the tight compete.wherein lalettan still not started to experiment in these style yet that made me much disappointed .Without doing these above he s outstanding as such it would be unimaginable if he turned on that way and that will outfit all others in the industry .So lalettan pls pls try to deliver such one and make us more crazy on u..tx

  • vshekar

    Total Posts:391
  • Posted On: 19/Jan/2010 6:57:46
    Very very good opinion from a honest fan
    yes new get ups, new style of dialogue deliveries as you said will gear up lalettan to that horse power which no big pretender actors can match.


    with lot of fun and love only, vishnu

  • kingofacting

    Total Posts:272
  • Posted On: 19/Jan/2010 10:38:56
    good opinion friend


  • aptfke

    Total Posts:5
  • Posted On: 19/Jan/2010 20:41:15
    Reply To Need to Change
    Hi many tx friend who r all join hands with my opinion.i have been watching this site for the past 4 yrs and obviously not contributed anything so far rather than a listener thats my bad,but decided to break that silence cos i wanted my [better say all of us ] dearest lalettan should remain in the top of the industry and should shatter all fraudstrickers as well.when compare to all the other actors ..those all either req a techy shadow or well dressed facet to justice to the roles where as our laletan got all his fame and aplause through normal characters so i am dam sure that for him can easily portray a different dialog delivery and movement than anyone present in the globe if he decided to come up with....so guys pls do come up and share ur thought no matter if u agree with me or not ...just wanted to see our supremo shines always

  • vshekar

    Total Posts:391
  • Posted On: 21/Jan/2010 13:0:59
    Very nice move yaar
    Everybody (all of us almost) had your opinion in mind,but our lalettan is not interested with these things much, which the time demands.He believes much in his directors and scriptwriters with no interference.Antony perumbavoor should take more initiative for these things as he's doing the good works now.Anyway write your opinion yaar as you made a revealation and always be part of us.Dont stand apart.

    with regards,

    with lot of fun and love only, vishnu

  • praveen

    Total Posts:209
  • Posted On: 21/Jan/2010 17:59:48
    Thank you friends
    Yes, I too have the same opinion and I am sure that Lalettan will do it.

    Let us give our best wishes and support..

    - Praveen

  • christi

    Total Posts:20
  • Posted On: 25/Jan/2010 19:55:21
    new style of dialogue delivery
    dearfrnds,i dont think that he is using taht same way of sound modulation,see in each movie he has a different sound modulation even though character is similar..se diffrence between redchilies nd sagar,,,nd see difference in bhramaram...it is a fact taht he is not using different type of slang like a mad man(other actors are using this to compete with laletten),,,,nd i am sure the in case of using the slang of different area there is no one to beat laletten the best example is u knw guys....thoovanathumbikal...

  • manoj3164

    Total Posts:2
  • Posted On: 10/Feb/2010 14:24:17
    Waiting for a change
    Almost all good fans of Lal are absolutely waiting for a change. But, I feel habitually it will take its own course. Because, good film always happends one cannot create that. This always become a mutual effort. I am eagerly waiting for that.

  • aptfke

    Total Posts:5
  • Posted On: 10/Feb/2010 18:42:42
    need to change
    Much happy that this topic is gearing up...the kind of voice modulation and diff accent may tune some below avg stuffs to a hit .many occation mammu used the same tech to overcome the poor script .....then why shouldnt our lalettan as he can make a blend of these with his wellknown natural touch ..and this empower the best in his....

  • rahulz

    Total Posts:9
  • Posted On: 4/Mar/2010 8:12:6
    is lalettan loss his voice in the film prince

start new topic 
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