dikkammayi Rank:Member Total Posts:275 Location:India
Posted On: 10/Jan/2010 10:55:8
Not a good idea I dont think this will be a good idea for Lal to do a movie with TA Shahid. Most of his movies were crap...especially the later ones. So to act a movie directed by him may not be good thinking, especially at this stage of his career
nithinmm Rank:Member Total Posts:14 Location:India
Posted On: 13/Jan/2010 16:29:24
mohanlal ta shahid i think it is not a proper desicision of laletan bcoz ta shahid's most of works are flops........
Good news It is really a good news to the people who love Mohan Lal. That reminds me of the good old days of Mohan Lal, Lohithadas and Sibi Malayil for HH Abdulla and Bharatham
avoid t a shahid please avoid t a shahid...those two brothers are crack guys t a razak and this man..ta razak was good in the begining of his carrer...but nw ...and abt shahid...he is most suitable for mani's films not for our prince...so please laletten dont give dates to shahid...better to give chance to new ones