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Avoid scenes with alcohol use


  • raninair

    Total Posts:1
  • Posted On: 8/Jan/2010 6:31:41
    Avoid scenes with alcohol use
    I am a doctor retired from Govt service .while reading newspapers I am shocked to see the consumption of alcohol and related accidents, crimes, murders,family break up,and social unrest.While I admire Mohanlal and his excellent acting abilities,I can't ignore the fact that the movies he acts in,glorifies the act of alcohol consumption.Recent movie "Bhramaram" even shows long scenes of him drinking and driving in dangerous conditions.Don't justify by saying that the movie's character demands it.Even when it is not necessary alcohol drinking Mohanlal is glorified.Eg:-The song "Annarakkanna vaa" which is very popular with children shows Mohanlal's character sitting in front of the sign"KALLU" and his friends bringing him alcohol in pots!
    Dear Mohanlal ,as a prominent citizen of India you have a responsibility towards the public .If you can reduce or stop using alcohol in your movie scenes it will be a good example setting.I congratulate Mammootty for doing very little if any of such scenes.

  • vincentgomas

    Total Posts:24
  • Posted On: 8/Jan/2010 8:3:15
    Not right
    hello, i cannot agree with this post...

    it is not lal doing this, it is the character of the movie doing this based on the story and on directors decision.

    No movie can avoid this for eg the latest movie '3 idiots' have lot of scenes where drinks are used..

    So what else they are supposed to do without showing drinks? show a message that 'this character just had some drink' before such a screen?

    As an alternate, what i think is there must be a warning on the screen some where below 'Alcohol consumption is Injurious to Health' .

    Also i don't think as an actor Mammooty cannot avoid showing such scenes fully.

  • gkumar99

    Total Posts:2
  • Posted On: 9/Jan/2010 13:19:4
    Actually mammootty s not avoiding the scenes, he dnt know hw to act in those type of role

  • dinkan

    Total Posts:13
  • Posted On: 19/Jan/2010 8:0:26
    Heloo.. please see 'paleri makikyam', Mammotty is using drinks from start of movie till the end..

  • kingofacting

    Total Posts:272
  • Posted On: 19/Jan/2010 10:37:50
    I cant agree with you

start new topic 
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