Lalettan's Col.Mahadevan Wud Thunder Theatres this wednesday..
naran625 Rank:Member Total Posts:35 Location:India
Posted On: 7/Oct/2008 10:24:1
Lalettan's Col.Mahadevan Wud Thunder Theatres this wednesday.. Friends..Tomorrow is d most awaiting day for us keralites who have been waiting alot for the launch of Kurukshetra.Fans Allover kerala,specially in Calicut makes their best efforts for high care promotion of this film.No Doubt it wud rock in theatres and hearts of kerala.All D Best for Kurukshetra Team & Entire Lal Fans for making this film a golden feather in the crown of Malayalam Cinema.No ...Indian Cinema.
sajwitlal Rank:Member Total Posts:74 Location:India
Posted On: 10/Oct/2008 7:20:44
Wonderful Hello,Happy to see u back here.. 0)
Yes,Movie is superbbbbb!!!!