sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 2/Oct/2008 6:54:17
Breaking News....CD of Kurukshetra released Kurukshetra's vyaaja CD is now available in Gul, especially in Dubai. Even before it hitting theatres! Can someone inform Major Ravi & Santhosh Damodar.......
hello did u see it? are u sure? how can it be as it did not release yet? from where it will get? no chance
sanjunmenon Rank:Member Total Posts:500 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 5/Oct/2008 9:24:55
This is a false news I was notified by one of my friends here saying that a supplier had called him for the CD. When he received CD it was Aakashagopuram not Kurukshetra. I don't watch pirated CDs as it kills our Cinema! We should make this habit as our culture
joshidubai Rank:Member Total Posts:2 Location:United Arab Emirates
Posted On: 6/Oct/2008 13:56:56
Hiii dear i think its a fake news b'coz i m living in dubai....i cant find that cd's