NK4 RAFI MECARTIN Nadodikkatu 4 is going to do by rai mecartin and lalettan + sreeni. A very good attempt and a happy news too :) http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6904/lalwallsmallxy7.jpg , http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/5524/nadodiqg4.jpg ,
http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/3008/lastpagecf6.jpg ,
http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/3849/collhb5.jpg ,
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/3851/hitge5.jpg ,
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/7990/alibhaistickerat9.jpg ,
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/8215/lalmammuinshajinkud2.jpg ,
ayyappsx Rank:Member Total Posts:14 Location:India
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 4:19:15
thankyou thank u vijesh.................can u pls post mohanlal special....................thanks
hrishikesh Rank:Member Total Posts:145 Location:India
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 4:29:23
Yahooooooooooooooooooooooo Thanks for this superb news.What more can we ask for? Is it confirmed because there is another rumour that NK4 is by Roshan Andrews with James Albert.Rafi Mecartin is definitely the best choice now.
sreejithkidu Rank:Member Total Posts:91 Location:India
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 4:37:32
True... After sreeni..RM team is the best choice.I think sreeni is not ready to take the challenge...But his intervention will be there and that will help the film.
johnb Rank:Member Total Posts:140 Location:United Kingdom
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 5:28:5
great news thanks mate for the info. this is fantastic, but as hrishi's post what about roshans role to do the fourth part?
vishnuak Rank:Member Total Posts:10 Location:India
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 9:0:16
thanks..... nk4...rafi...mecartin is the right choise
thanks for posting..velli..news
mrx Rank:Member Total Posts:132 Location:United States of America
Posted On: 30/Jul/2007 10:58:29
Great News! Thank you vijesh.. :)
mohanlallal Rank:Member Total Posts:36 Location:Bangladesh